Constitution & Bylaws
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be The Little Garden Club of Memphis.
Article II. Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be:
To provide instruction and training of its members by developing and improving their skills in gardening, horticulture and conservation of trees, plants, and flowers.
To promote horticulture and conservation movements.
To support civic improvements such as landscaping and beautification of art galleries, civic centers, botanic gardens and other public areas.
Article III. Membership
There shall be Active, Mentor, Affiliate, Life and Honorary members.
Sec. 1: Active
The number of Active members shall be sixty-five or less. The qualifications and requirements shall be:
To take part in all club projects, including financial support, serving as officers or on committees and furnishing flower arrangements and horticulture when requested.
To attend five regular meetings annually.
To hostess and provide lunch for 1 meeting every other year.
To join Memphis Botanic Garden annually at any membership level.
To purchase 1 ticket annually to Memphis Botanic Garden Plant Sale Preview Party.
To purchase 2 tickets and work a shift at “Happenings”.
To pay dues as recommended by the Board and approved by the Membership.
When a member has not qualified for Active membership for one year, she shall be so advised before the September Board meeting by a member of the Membership Committee. If she is unable to resume the activities of the club, her name shall be considered for a change of membership status. Action shall be taken by the Board at its October meeting, and notification of this action shall be sent in writing to said member.
Sec. 2: Mentor
The qualifications and requirements shall be:
An Active member in good standing wishing to become a Mentor may apply to the Membership Committee in writing by May 1. To be eligible for this category a member must have served 20 years as an Active. No more than 2 members may apply each year for this category and they may remain in this category no more than 5 years at which time they will move to Life.
A Mentor must attend 3 meetings a year, serve as a hostess every other year, may serve on committees and on the Board (excluding the Executive Board). She is obligated to pay full annual dues as recommended by the Board and approved by the Membership.
A Mentor may propose or endorse and vote for candidates for membership. She may not be a delegate to a Zone or Annual meeting but she may serve as a Zone Representative.
Sec. 3: Affiliate
The qualifications and requirements shall be:
An Active member wishing to become an Affiliate member may apply to the Membership Committee in writing by May 1 stating reasons. The Membership Committee will consider the application and make recommendations to the Board for action. Such action will take place before the May Membership meeting.
An Affiliate may take part in the activities of the club, attend meetings, serve as a hostess, and serve on committees. She will receive a yearbook and newsletter and be obligated to pay annual dues as recommended by the Board and approved by the Membership.
An Affiliate may not vote, hold office, or propose or endorse candidates for membership; nor can she represent this club as a delegate to a zone or annual meeting.
An Affiliate moving to another area may be recommended by this club to a local GCA club in the area. Membership is neither automatic nor mandatory.
An Affiliate who was an Active member in good standing in The Little Garden Club may apply in writing to the Membership Committee for reinstatement into Active membership at any time and will automatically fill the first vacancy available.
There shall be no limit to the number of Affiliate Members
Sec. 4: Life Members
A member, who after 20 years has been an Active member of The Little Garden Club, may request being placed in the Life member category. Such application must be made in writing by May 1 to the Membership Chairman and passed on by the board. Such action will take place before the May Membership Meeting.
They may not vote, hold office or serve on the Board. They may propose and endorse candidates for membership. They may serve as a hostess or on a committee when requested.
The yearbook shall be sent to them each year and the newsletter. They may attend all meetings.
They pay dues as recommended by the Board and approved by the membership. They are excused from all club obligations, but may work voluntarily.
There shall be no limit to the number of Life members
Sec. 5: Honorary Membership
Honorary membership may be conferred by the Board of Directors and voted on by the membership to an individual of established reputation and ability in horticulture, conservation, and floral or landscape design who is dedicated to the same ideals and interests of The Little Garden Club. An Honorary Member shall enjoy all Club privileges except that of voting, holding office and proposing new members. He/she shall be exempt from dues and attendance requirements.
Sec. 6: Election of New Members
The Membership Chairman will announce the number of vacancies to the Board. The Board will determine the number of vacancies to be filled. Election of new members will be held in October. The Membership Chairman will have proposal forms available anytime at the request of proposer on or before August 31st. All forms must be returned to the Membership Chairman no later than the Tuesday following Labor Day.
Each candidate shall have one Proposer and two Endorsers. No member may propose or endorse more than one candidate per election. A candidate may be proposed a maximum of three times.
Each Active Member shall cast a ballot by email to the Membership Chairman. Deadline is 5 pm the day preceding the October meeting. Each member may vote for the number of candidates she chooses, not to exceed the number of vacancies.
A candidate must receive a majority of the ballots cast to be elected to fill the available spaces. In the event of a tie the President may cast a tie- breaking vote. The President may neither propose nor endorse a candidate and can vote only in the event of a tie.
Article IV. Meetings
Sec. 1: Meetings shall be held on the second Thursday of each month except in the months of June, July and August. The President may call special meetings or change the regular meeting day when unusual circumstances make it advisable.
Sec. 2: Assigned members shall serve as hostesses at each meeting. They shall be responsible for the refreshments and the flower arrangements.
Article V. Officers
Sec. 1: The officers shall be a President, a First Vice- President, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, an Assistant Treasurer, a Parliamentarian/ Archivist.
The President-Elect must have served on the Board for at least two years; and upon her selection, she becomes a Board member if not currently serving. She shall accompany the President to the zone and GCA annual meetings.
The President shall be announced at the May membership meeting the year prior to taking office.
The retiring President shall automatically become First Vice-President.
The officers shall be installed at the annual meeting in May.
Sec. 2: The officers’ duties shall be those usually assigned to such offices and including the following. (1) The President, in addition to presiding over meetings, shall be ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. Should a vacancy occur in any office or chairmanship, she shall make an appointment to fill this vacancy.
The First Vice-President shall educate the new members and act in an advisory capacity. She is also the Chairman of the Nominating Committee.
The First Vice-President shall represent the Club on the Memphis and Shelby County Council of Garden Clubs, the Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs, and at any other meeting where representation is desirable.
The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the record of the minutes.
The Corresponding Secretary shall write notes of condolence to members and send other appropriate communications as may be required. She shall keep current records of membership dues at MBG and notify members when they need to rejoin.
The Treasurer shall bill the members for their current dues in May. She shall render a monthly report at the Board meetings and at the annual meeting in May. She shall close her books for the current year after all bills have been paid and have them audited in August. The incoming Treasurer shall take over the books biannually as soon as the audit is complete.
The Assistant Treasurer shall carry on the duties of the Treasurer when necessary and be responsible for acknowledging memorial contributions and reconciling Memorial Account.
The Parliamentarian/Archivist shall rule on parliamentary procedures. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the club when they are not inconsistent with the rules of this organization. She is responsible for keeping the scrapbook and club history current.
Article VI. Committees
Sec. 1: There shall be Standing Committees. The Chairmen shall make a monthly report at the Board meetings. They shall keep a complete record of all the activities of their respective committees in a notebook provided by the Club, which must be handed on to their successors.
Sec. 2: Duties of Standing Committees
The Program Chair shall secure speakers and arrange for at least one program annually on conservation, horticulture, and flower arrangements in cooperation with the Chairmen of these committees. The remaining programs may be on varied subjects compatible with garden club interests. Funds for operational expenses shall be included in the annual budget.
The Horticulture Committee shall keep the Club informed on current horticultural developments; shall be responsible for carrying out at least one project each year, encouraging members to participate in order to submit horticultural specimens for the Garden Club of America meetings; shall cooperate with the Program Committee in planning one program; shall submit articles to the Ivy Vine and send a written report to the GCA.
The Conservation Chairman shall inform the Club of conservation programs and major legislative matters, both locally and nationally; shall cooperate with the Program Committee in planning one program; shall submit articles to the Ivy Vine and send a written report to the GCA.
The Community Projects Committee shall plan and carry out such projects as the club adopts. Maintenance funds shall be included in the annual budget. To secure funds for a new project, an application must be made in writing to the Finance Committee.
The Communications and Bulletins Committee shall be in charge of news coverage and publicity. All media coverage (including newspaper, magazine, television) of any LGC event, meeting or accomplishment will be coordinated through the Communications Committee exclusively. No other member or organization may solicit or arrange for media coverage of any LGC activities without the Chairman’s prior knowledge. The Bulletin Committee shall encourage members to write articles for the GCA Bulletin and submit their manuscripts to the editor in charge of publication.
The Ways and Means Committee shall be responsible for planning and carrying out the money making projects.
The Membership Committee shall conduct the election of new members; shall keep a permanent attendance record book in which each member present shall sign at each meeting; shall keep a permanent record of all membership classifications. When a member has not attended 5 regular meetings annually, she shall be so advised before the September Board meeting by the Membership Chairman. If she is unable to resume the activities of the Club, she shall be considered for a change in membership status. Action shall be taken by the Board at its October meeting and notification of this action shall be sent in writing to said member.
The Finance Committee shall be composed of the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer, and the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. Its duties shall be to formulate the policy on income, disbursements, and project finances.
The Entertainment Committee shall be responsible for the place of meetings, assignment of hostesses, and for all entertainment.
The Exhibits and Flower Show Committee shall be responsible for flower shows, decorations, and exhibits, either in our own Club or in cooperation with other groups.
The GCA Medals and Awards Committee shall keep informed on national and zone awards for which one or more of our members might be eligible and secure such information as is necessary to propose candidates for said awards.
The Yearbook and Printing Committee shall compile and publish the yearbook and distribute it to the entire membership. It shall be responsible for printing other material upon request, including the Ivy Vine.
The Scholarship Chairman and Visiting Garden Chairman shall be in charge of necessary arrangements pertaining to an exchange student when one is assigned to our zone. She shall keep the Chairman of Zone IX informed of the gardens in our club which are open to visiting members of Garden Club of America. She will be notified by the Zone Chairman when such visitors plan to arrive, notify the owners of the gardens, and arrange a tour.
TheGardenHistoryandDesignCommitteeshall educate members by interacting with other GCA committees to provide programs and activities which further understanding of garden history and design. It shall continue to add to the GCA Collection at the Archives of American Gardens of the Smithsonian Institute by documenting and photographing gardens of note.
Article VII. The Board
Sec. 1: The Board shall consist of the officers and the Chairmen of Standing Committees.
It shall meet before the first meeting and once a month thereafter between the regular meetings of the club. It may be canceled or called in special session by the President.
It shall hear the reports of the Committee Chairmen and formulate the policy.
It shall make recommendations to the membership for adoption, except when immediate action is necessary, when it shall have the authority to transact all business.
Two-thirds of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
Sec. 2: The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers.
It shall have the same authority as the Board to transact business whenever time does not permit action by the Board, but not fewer than four members must participate in the voting.
Article VIII. Amendments
Article IX. Dues, Assessments – Fiscal Year
Sec. 1: Active and Mentor members shall be obligated to pay annual dues as recommended by the Board and approved by the Membership.
Sec. 2: Affiliate members shall pay annual dues as recommended by the Board and approved by the Membership.
Sec. 3: Life members shall pay dues annually as recommended by the Board and approved by the Membership.
Sec. 4: Dues are due on June 1st, becoming delinquent August 1st when the Treasurer shall give notice of delinquent dues to the members in arrears. Names of delinquent members shall be presented to the Board for action.
Sec. 5: Any assessment must be approved by the membership.
Sec. 6: The Fiscal Year shall be from June 1st to May 31st.
Article X. Disposition of Assets on Dissolution
In the event of dissolution, the residual assets of the club will be turned over to one or more organizations which themselves are exempt as organizations described in Section 501(c) and 170 (c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended or corresponding sections of any prior or future Internal Revenue Code, or to the Federal, State, or Local government for exclusive public purposes. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Constitution, this club shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by (a) an organization exempt from Federal Income tax under Section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law of (b) an organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (C) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended or any other corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.
Standing Rules
The Finance Committee has the authority to approve any unbudgeted expense up to $500. If the amount is $500 or larger, then it is to be brought before the Board of Directors for approval.
Upon the death of a Little Garden Club member, a donation shall be made by The Little Garden Club to the Memphis Botanic Garden in her memory.
Active, Mentor, and Affiliate members shall pay annual dues in the amount of $300.
Life members shall pay annual dues in the amount of $150.
Garden Club of America Little Known Facts
GCA has one membership category: Active Member
GCA is composed of member clubs - not individuals. You are a member of a GCA club but “you” as an individual are not a GCA member.
The following privileges of GCA membership are: judging at flower shows, attending lectures, using the National Headquarters services, visiting GCA gardens and receiving the Bulletin.